CoinFLEX – Hummingbot Foundation

ℹ️ Exchange Info

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👷 Maintenance

🔑 Connection

Run connect coinflex in order to enter your API keys:

Enter your CoinFLEX API key >>>
Enter your CoinFLEX secret API key >>>

If connection is successful:

You are now connected to CoinFLEX.

🪙 Fees

Hummingbot assumes 0% maker fees and 0.08% taker fees.

VIP tier Spot Maker Spot Taker Perp Maker Perp Taker
4 0% 0.057% -0.017% 0.057%
5 0% 0.051% -0.021% 0.051%
6 0% 0.040% -0.030% 0.040%

Users can override these assumptions with Override Fees.

ℹ️ More Resources

VIP Trial for Hummingbot users

We can offer Hummingbot members a 2 months trial of either VIP4-5-6 (depending on targeted volumes).

VIP4: all Hummingbot community
VIP5: if targeted 30d volume is > $20m
VIP6: if targeted 30d volume is > $100m

Must demonstrate proof/screenshot of past history of volume.
Please direct message: or

Subject to CoinFLEX discretion after 2 months trial. Exchange is now live and powered by CoinFLEX

Last update:

This Post Has 12 Comments

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