Quick Start Guide: How to Install Crypto Trading Bot + Configure PingPong, Gritbot, and Other Strategies on Local PC (Windows + Mac)

Installation Instructions

The installation instructions are nearly the same for Windows and Mac local PC.

Images may look slightly different for Mac users.

Here is a video demonstration from the open source project hummimngbot.io

Downloads links for both Windows and Mac PC can be found here: 

After downloading, run the installer by opening the downloaded installation folder.

After launching the installed application you’ll be presented a screen like this:

From here all you need to do is press “Enter” on your key board and set your password from your trading bot.

**Pro Tip** Use keyboard inside crypto bot to navigate, such as “arrow keys” (↑ ↓ → ←) , and “tab” key to navigate and select highlighted options that will appear as you configure the bots settings.

After setting pass you should be presented a screen like this:

Strategy Installation Instructions

From this home screen we will begin to create our 4 different custom trading strategies the bot will have to choose from.

*Bold words are hummingbot commands

1. PingPong

First run the “create” command.  – You will be presented with a list of questions that follow


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