Crypto Bot(s) Installation Overview

*** At this time local PC installs are suspended, only VPS servers. If you would like instructions on installing for local PC please let me know and I will provide.

Where will we install your crypto bot is the first question, then we will pick a strategy?

You can install and run on your PC, however for the bot to perform it’s computer host machine must remain online 24/7.

PC installs are handy when you want to run the bot while you work, and there is a plethora of resources I’ve compiled to assist you.

So if you don’t plan on leaving your PC running 24/7 you’ll want to setup a virtual private server (VPS).

*** All packages comes with resources to help install the bot on the FREE t3.micro virtual private server!

How the install works when you purchase a package:

Basic – Installation Resources, Video Guides, and Walkthroughs

Advance/Premium – Basic + Support Ticket were agent performs your install remotely.

For more information on the Basic/Advance/Premium Packages visit here:

See what’s required from you to complete your install here:

If your considering VPS here is a breakdown of the pricing structure for one of the cheaper and most used for servers. – (AWS)

When signing up for AWS you will be asked to place a credit/debit card on file for any billings of your hourly rates.

Clients must calculate monthly cost ahead of time so that there are no surprises come end of the month for AWS auto billing cycles.

We take no responsibility in your decision of the quantity of bots we install, and its’s effect on your end of the month billings by AWS.

This is an installation services solely.

Support Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sat – Sun – Limited – No Availability

If need future assistance with your bot, we offer a monthly support plan:

  • $5 / Monthly – Unlimited Chat Support tickets – DIY Walkthroughs through chat
  • $10 / Monthly – 3 Remote Help Support Tickets – Unlimited Chat Support tickets – DIY Walkthroughs through chat

Need more Tickets / Month or management of multiple bots? Lets discuss pricing over chat here:

How Much Profit and Rate of Return Does the Premium Crypto Trading Bot Earn?

Some months I’ve earned as much as $100+ and even $30 – $50 a week running 1-3 bots at times, see link above for details.

*** Premium Bot – Hummingbot Liquidity Mining Dashboard Not Showing Rewards?!

Recently I noticed the hummingbot miner dashboard is not displaying reward information accurately for users.

March 16, 2022

Which has led to difficulty in calculating and defining return rates.

Support assured me they were currently tracking bots and user rewards separately from miner:

My most recent payout from Hummingbot Miner was in early March 2022, and it included rewards not displayed in my dashboard until after I received payment.

This leads me to believe the prior mentioned may in fact be the case, I am continuing to monitor and will report any new updates.

Do not panic if you do not see rewards propagating on dashboard, send in a support ticket to the hummingbot miner team.

The will ask you to collect a few details from your bot and help troubleshoot.

API Rates/Limits Per Exchange Explained

***Please Be Aware for Clients Who Use Multiple Bots

If you currently have other bots connected and running on the same exchange this largely also applies to you.

When running multiple bots, you must make sure your bots API requests/calls do not exceed your crypto exchanges limits.

Our support plans can help you adjust your total number of bots so they fall within this criteria and don’t cause rate limit issues.

You are responsible for monitoring your bot and exchanges API calls/requests after initial install.

The more bots, the more user observance of over used API Rates/Limits.

Final thoughts:

Holy cow you are going to make so much $$, stick with it and God Bless.

– Is-Rael Landes

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