Buy/Pump & Sell/Dump Bot Strategy Explained

To run this strategy will be using the Buy/Pump & Sell/Dump Bot Strategy to maintain our crypto trading bot.

Before we begin you should already have these 2 strategies configured: 

Strategies Templates

  1. pump dump-1.yml – (Your Buy/Pump Strategy you will run first)
  2. pumpndump_init-1.yml – (Your Sells/Dump Strategy you will run second)

Here are  Steps 1 –  to running this strategy in accordance with these conditions:

Logic Conditions: 

1. Buy the maximum amount of “X” coin at the best Bid price (simulated market order).

2. 1st Take Profit Sell is equal to 50% of purchased “X” coin at 100% increase in coin “X” & 2. 2nd Take Profit Sell is equal to the other 50% of purchased “X” coin at 200% increase in coin “X”

Getting Started – Step By Step Instructions

First things first log in to crypto trading bot terminal either from your respected Binary, Docker or Source install links.

If you’ve installed from Docker, you’ll need to first open up your Terminal and attach it to your running Docker container with this command

docker attach hbot-1

*If you ever encounter an error anytime in the crypto trading bot terminal try restarting Docker container like so:

You can also run: docker stop hbot-1 , docker start hbot-1 , and docker attach hbot-1

Once inside the crypto trading bot, your screen should look similar to this home screen:

From this screen, we will begin running the strategy imports, configurations and start/stop the Pump and Dump bot.

Step 1. Import Buy/Pump

First, run this command in the terminal:

import pumpdump-1.yml

This command will import your strategy 1. which is the pump dump-1.yml you will run first to enter your Buy position.

Step 2. Config Buy/Pump – Market & Order Amount?

*You will need to be configured every time before running Buy/Pump and Sell/Dump bot or set up in advance if the market trading pair is known ahead of time.

Before starting BUY/Pump bot you will need to configure ONLY one parameter by running the following command:

config market – This crypto bot command that will allow you to pick the market the bot will enter for its initial Buy/Pump position.  

Optional: You may wish to change the order amount of how much your bot is buying initially.

This can be done by running this command and changing the order amount of your base asset of the market trading pair you have selected.

config order_amount – This crypto bot command that will allow you to pick the order size amount that the bot will enter for its initial Buy/Pump position.  

Currently, this feature is set to a high number so that any coin you choose will be purchased using 100% of your portfolio’s quote asset (USDT, USD, BTC, etc.)

Once these parameters are configured and accounted for and you ready to begin trading simply run this command:


After starting the bot you should begin to see your Buy order(s) being placed which can be observed manually or in live mode running either command.


status –live

*Orders should execute within the minute and once your order fills you will see either of these 2 messages appear on your hummingbot terminal screen indicating your Buy position entered:

IMPORTANT STEP: Make sure you find your BUY ORDER AMOUNT (Copy: CTRL+Shift+c)

  1. *Pro-tip it might be helpful to have a notepad open so you can take notes of your total filled order for the end results from Step 3.
  2. Take our ORDER AMOUNT and divide it by 2.
  3. Paste to Notepad, you’ll use it in Step 4.

Main Trading Window Buy Alert (Left-hand Screen)

Log Plane – (Right-hand Screen)

Once you have confirmation it’s time to stop the bot and move on to Step 3.

So run this command next to the stop bot so we can start the SELL/DUMP bot.


Step 3. Import Sell/Dump

Before we hit start, next we run this command in the Hummingbot terminal:

import pumpndump_init-1.yml

This command will import your strategy 2. which is the pumpndump_init-1.yml you will run second to enter your Sell position(s).

Step 4. Config Sell/Dump – Market & Order Amount?

When starting the bot for the second time you will need to configure 2 DIFFERENT parameters by running the following command:

config market – This crypto bot command that will once again allow you to pick the market the bot will enter now for the Sell/Dump position instead.  

config order_amount – This hummingbot command will allow you to pick the order size amount that the bot will enter for its initial Sell/Dump position at your limit order levels placed at +100% and +200%.

IMPORTANT STEP: Simply input your answer you copied in Part 2. to Notepad here after in the config order_amount value. (Buy order filled amount / 2)

If you choose a high number like 1000000000, only a single order of the two (100% & 200%) price levels because you don’t have enough in balance to place both limit orders.

 You MUST change the order amount by running this command so your bot new selling order amount corresponds to create limit sell at 50% Portfolio when 100% increase from mid-price. 

Once your value is entered you can run bot


After starting the bot you should begin to see your Sell order(s) being placed which can be observed manually or in live mode running either command.


status –live

Closing Tips

*You sometimes are able to combine certain command strings together to make the manual entry faster: For Example config market ETH-USDT would be quicker than typing each individually. 

This Post Has 2 Comments

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