Huobi Global – Hummingbot Foundation

ℹ️ Exchange Info

Huobi Global
Website | CoinMarketCap | CoinGecko


Special fee rate by registering through the link above.
Spot trading: Maker/taker 0.099%, 0.08% with HT deduction

👷 Maintenance

  • Release added: 0.14.0 by CoinAlpha
  • Maintainer: CoinAlpha

🔑 Connection

Run connect huobi in order to enter your API keys:

Enter your Huobi API key >>>
Enter your Huobi secret key >>>

If connection is successful:

You are now connected to huobi.

🪙 Fees

Hummingbot assumes 0.2% maker fees and 0.2% taker fees (source).

Users can override these assumptions with Override Fees.

Last update:

This Post Has 13 Comments


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