Problems Logging into Crypto Bot: SOLUTION

For Logging In refer here:

Congratulations! If you followed the steps above you should now be fully logged into crypto bot.

If we have discussed your strategy ahead of time its more than likely your strategy is already imported
and to start your strategy you simply run this command inside bot terminal:


If not see here for importing a strategy and a Basic guide:

Other Helpful Commands:

To exit the bot and leave it running you have 2 options:

1.) Exit the Temrianl application by closing the window simialr to any other window/application.

2.) If you want to return to your server you can type these commands in order:

Windows: (Ctrl + P) (Ctrl + Q)
Mac: (Cmd + P) (Cmd + Q)


Then to exit your server simply type:


*** DISCLAIMER – Sometimes you may run into 1 of 2 following issues:

  1. You cannot login (SSH) into remote VPS server for unkown reasons? (Visit your AWS EC2 or other VPS provider dashboard, you may see a health check error)
  2. After logging into bot you try logging into your bot with this command: “docker attach hbot-1” . No quotations.

To solve Issue #1:

Go to your EC2 instance page, click on the affected server and try rebooting, wait 5-10 mins then try logging back in via SSH.

To solve Issue #2:

Restart your bots docker conatiner with the follwing commands after logging into your server:

docker ps -a

This will show all the stopped containers on your server, look for the name “hbot-1 , hbot-2 , hbot-3…” and then we will use the name to restart it.

docker stop hbot-1
docker start hbot-1
docker attach hbot-1

After performing the follwing, you will be required a password so use the default:

Password: hbot-1

And hit enter to proceed into the bot.

If you are still experiencing issues, please submit a support ticker here:

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